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Integrate Paynow using Python

So we finished the boring parts, in this guide we are going to integrate Paynow using Python

1. Initialize Paynow

Before you can do anything you have to include PayNow and initialize it first

# include paynow here
from paynow import Paynow

paynow = Paynow(

This creates a PayNow instance, your keys should be correct or it will raise Integration Exception on checkout. Errors can be annoying.

2. Creating a payment

The next stage involves adding a payment to the PayNow instance you have created:

import time

invoice_name = "Invoice #100"
user_email = "" <em># get email from post request here</em>
payment = paynow.create_payment(invoice_name, user_email)

This adds a payment to your instance you create in step 1. Once payment succeeds PayNow will send an email to the customer for transparence and reference purposes.

##3. Add some products

If you have one product you can add it like this:

payment.add('Sadza and Beans', 1.25)

If you have more than one products then you can add them like this

products = [Dict1, Dict2, Dict3, ...., Dict10 ]

for product in products:
    payment.add(product["name"], product["price"])

If those products have quantities or amounts then it will be something like this

products = [
    {"name": "Rice", "price": 3.0, "qty": 2},
    {"name": "Potatoes", "price": 10.0, "qty": 1},
    {"name": "Knife", "price": 4.0, "qty": 1},
    <em># Add more products as needed</em>

total = 0
tax = 0.01

for product in products:
    item_total = product["price"] * product["qty"]
    tax_amount = item_total * tax
    item_total += tax_amount
    total += item_total
    payment.add(product["name"], item_total)

You could add things like coupons, discounts, promotions and what what but well I will leave that you. Code wise you can also use things such as classes but well thats up to you.

Sending payment to PayNow

After adding payment the next stage is sending the payment to payment to PayNow

response = paynow.send_mobile(payment, '077777777', 'ecocash')

Here were requesting for a mobile transaction to occur between our Paynow account and 0777777777 ‘s Ecocash.

The number you get from user through forms or from database. The platform(‘ecocash’) can be retrieved from user through forms or by auto detection

phone = "07777777"
platform = ""
if phone.startswith('071'):
    platform= "onemoney"
elif (phone.startswith('073')):
    platform = "telecash"
    platform = "ecocash"

# Then
response = paynow.send_mobile(payment, phone, platform);

Your users will love this ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

So this part alone should send a message to your customer mobile asking for payment:

Integrate Paynow using Python result

Of course there will be some small differences.

OK that’s it for this one in the next tutorial we will talk about checking payments.

Thats it meme


Paynow Quickstart guide with Python
Paynow API Reference